
Miss Don't Touch Me

Miss Don't Touch Me

Scott Pilgrim Vol. 1: Precious Little Life

Scott Pilgrim Vol. 1: Precious Little Life

↑青春バンド恋愛マンガ投げっぱなしという感じで、やってることは嫌いじゃないが、まあ適正価格は400円位かな・・・ そういうチープな雰囲気が良い具合なんだよ。技術的にも。
Empowered, Vol. 1

Empowered, Vol. 1

The Squirrel Machine

The Squirrel Machine


Frederik Peeters "Blue Pills a positive love story"
Manu Larcenet "Ordinary Victories"
Eddie Campbell "The Fate of The Artist"
Joe Kelly "I Kill Giants"
Nate Powell "Swallow Me Whole"